Once again it is time for an Insta live and since it is going to be in English this post will be, too.
On Thursday, April 21 at 8 p.m. Bolu Babalola and Fabienne Gretschel are going to talk about Bolu's new book “Love in Colour” which recently was translated and published in Germany by the Eisele Verlag (German title: In all deinen Farben). The conversation will be all about mythology, strong female protagonists and Black love. We are so looking for this inspiring conversation and we would love for all of you to join us.
Here is what
Eisele Verlag says about the book: “ Bolu Babalola has retold the most beautiful love stories of mythology with incredible freshness and vividness. Focusing on the magical folktales of West Africa, she also reinvents Greek myths, ancient legends from the Middle East, and stories from lands that no longer exist in our world. The women in her Love Stories are fierce champions of their passion, but never lose sight of the fact that the most important love of all is self-love. While in mythology women are often the victims of male desire, in Bolu Babalola women always set the tone and take their destiny into their own hands. In “In all deinen Farben” ("Love in Colour") excitingly changes perspectives, continents and styles, crosses borders of time and space - and celebrates romance in all its forms."

: Folaju Oyegbesan